The Regina Airport Authority is undertaking a major airfield revitalization project. Construction commenced the first week of May and will run through to the third week of September of 2023.
For the duration of the project, the main runway at YQR (13-31) will be closed as it is being rehabilitated. However, flights will continue on YQR’s secondary runway (08-26). Our airline partners have been involved in the planning of this project for over 18 months and have adjusted their schedules in preparation to ensure uninterrupted service this summer.
Please note that during this project, residents of Regina may notice heavier aircraft traffic in some areas of the city while less in others. This is due to all takeoffs and landings being limited to a single runway instead of being dispersed between the two.
The project will involve the following work in the airfield:
- Pavement rehabilitation on Runway 13/31 and Taxiway Kilo
- Drainage improvements
- Replacement of runway edge lighting and associated electrical infrastructure
- Installation of a SALSAR approach lighting system for runway 31
- Installation of Runway End Safety Areas (RESAs) on Runway 13 & 31 and Runway 08 & 26
This project will result in impacts to airport operations that may affect some users. Operation of Runways 13/31 and 08/26 will be affected during construction:
- Runway 13-31 will be closed during the entire construction period from May-September.
- Runway 08/26 will remain open at full length except for periods where it will be temporarily reduced to 4800ft from 8:00pm-8:00am on 8 consecutive weekends commencing the weekend of May 26-29 with each Friday/Saturday/Sunday night being affected.
- The periods of overnight reductions were selected to minimize impacts to aircraft requiring the full length of Runway 08/26
This $26 million dollar project is partially funded through the Government of Canada’s Airport Critical Infrastructure Program (ACIP).